Thursday, November 21, 2013

Book Characters

 I am in a writing group with a couple of my brothers and a few friends.
 My brother Don requested I sketch the main character from his book, Sean Dirts.

 Here is Sean eating a cornflake for breakfast.

I'm also writing a book and here are a few of my characters.




I'm deliberately not giving a lot of info on these characters since the books aren't finished.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Star Wars Inspired

 My brothers and I grew up watching Star Wars a lot. My brother has requested I sketch something from Star Wars but didn't ask for anything specific so I'm taking some artistic license.
Here's a Wookie dad and baby. I always wondered what a Wookie baby would look like.

I've imagined a female jedi, and I kind of want this outfit for myself now.

This is inspired by the queens of Naboo, although it isn't nearly restricting and weird enough, so it's like a Naboo casual Friday.

And for today's sketch, an X wing Fighter Pilot.

Again, if anyone has a request, leave a comment here or on facebook. 
May the Force be with you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Little Girl Inspiration

 Some of my sketches in this post are based on my little girl self.

This one is what I would have considered a perfect wedding get up when I was a child.
 Big dress, Big sleeves, Big veil, Big hair, Big bouquet.

  I didn't really consider clowns creepy until I was older, but this is a drawing of the harlequin clown costume I wore in the Nutcracker when I was six. 
And now the annoying music is in my head.

Out of the realms of childhood, this is just a random guy.

I started playing volleyball at the age of twelve, and I occasionally still do, but I never was the type to sacrifice my knees for the ball like this guy.

Speaking of my little girl self, I would have loved this rose fairy, because I loved fairies and roses and really anything cute and super girly.

So this is fun, but I am more than willing to take requests for drawing ideas since my idea factory occasionally shuts down. Leave me a comment here or on facebook and I'll do my best.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Starting off

Welcome to my new blog! I'll be posting a sketch for every day. That means I need to draw a sketch every day and then I'll post as often as I can. I started my goal a couple weeks ago so my first post will have a lot of drawings.

 The quality is sadly, well sad. I couldn't get the scanner to work today and I had to photograph the sketches and do what I could with them.

 I've always been better at drawing women than men so I'm getting in a little practice.

 Clearly I'm not into football.

 Cute outfit, but not practical for dog walking.

 My spiky castle

 The kiss didn't go as planned.

 I drew this on Halloween between running up the stairs to give out candy to 120 kids.

 Icarus and Daedalus

 The serene gorgon had learned to live with the constant tickling.

 The minotaur and his half sister

 The headache

Image from a recurring dream I used to have where I was a sailor fighting pirates and had to climb a cliff with a knife in my teeth. It makes me think of the cliffs of insanity.